Moving Goods Into And Out Of The EU

The UK has left the EU. There will be a transition period from the 1st February to 31 December 2020 for business, trade and travel. During the transition period, the current rules for moving goods into and out of the EU will still apply. These rules will change after the 1 January 2021 but there are some preparations that you can make now. If your business wishes to move goods into and out of the EU after the 1 January…


Is your business cashflow keeping you awake at night?

How is your cashflow? Are you experiencing difficulties with cash flow?  Is it keeping you awake at night? 6 out of 10 business owners are losing sleep over problems with cashflow, according to the BACS payment scheme.  Research shows that 84% of small companies report late payments, while around 33% say at least one in four payments arrive late. You may be familiar with the phrase “sales are vanity, profit is sanity” but it may be time for you to…


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